Deuils après suicides :

références sur l'entraide

Références des pages sur
le partage des deuils après suicides

Révision : 06.07.2013       Translate

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Ce texte est une adaptation, par le Pr. François Besançon, du livre suivant :
- Dunne E : Survivors of Suicide, Support Group Guidelines. Washington, American Association of Suicidology, 1992 (51 pages)
L'adresse de l'Association est :
5221 Wisconsin Ave, NW, Washington,  DC 20015 , USA.
Edward Dunne et Karen Dunne-Maxim sont frère et sœur d’un suicidé, et ils ont animé des groupes de “survivants” pendant plus de 15 ans.

Autres références dans la Page sur l'évaluation (voir aussi la Page de Liens

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- Amar S. Deuil chez l'adulte. Rev Prat Méd Gén 2008;22:981-985
- Biddle L, Donovan J, Hawton K, Kapur N, Gunnell D. Suicide and the internet. British Medical Journal 2008; 336: 800-802.
Bolton I, Curtis M. My son… My son… Atlanta (GA), Bolton Press 1983
- Cerel J, Jordan JR, Duberstein P. The Impact of Suicide on the Family. Crisis 2008; 29(1): 38-44
- Cerel J, Padgett JH, Conwell Y, Reed GA. A Call for Research: The Need to Better Understand the Impact of Support Groups for Suicide Survivors. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 2009; 39(3): 269-281
- Chapple A, Ziebland S. How the Internet is changing the experience of bereavement by suicide: a qualitative study in the UK. Health (London). 2011; 15(2): 173-187
- Cerel J, PhD, Padgett JH, Reed GA. Support Groups for Suicide Survivors: Results of a Survey of Group Leaders. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 2009; 39(6): 588-598
- Deuil Suicide (Familles rurales, Sarthe)  (forum) Consulté le 08.08.2011.
- Cornillot P, Hanus M. Parlons de la mort et du deuil. Paris, Frison-Roche 1998
- De Fauw N, Andriessen K. Networking to support suicide survivors. Crisis 2003; 24 (1): 29-31
- Dunne E, McIntosh J, Dunne-Maxim K. Suicide and its aftermath: understanding and counselling the suvivors. New York, Norton 1987
- Dyregrov K. Assistance from local authorities versus survivors' needs for support after  suicide. Death Studies 2002; 26 (8): 647-668
- Facy F, Debout M. L'épidémiologie évaluative : les limites en suicidologie. In Chagnon F, Mishara B. Évaluation de programmes en prévention du suicide. Sainte-Foy (Québec), EDK et Presses de l'Université du Québec 2004, pp. 65-82
- Farberow NL, Gallagher D, Gilewski M, Thompson L. The role of social supports in the  bereavement process of surviving spouses of suicide and natural deaths. Suicide &  Life- Threaten Behav 1992; 22: 107-124
- Farberow N. Norm Farberow shares his recollections of the history of the survivor movement. IASP Postvention Newsletter 2008;2(6):2-3
- Fauré C. Après le suicide d'un proche. Paris, Albin Michel 2007
- Fidelle G, de Kergunic TS, Auxéméry Y. Addictions et trauma. Données épidémiologiques et cliniques. Stress et Trauma 2009;9(1):45-54
- Grad OT, Clark S, Dyregrov K, Andriessen K. What helps and what hinders the process of  surviving the suicide of somebody close? Crisis 2004; 25 (3): 134-139
- Hanus M. Le deuil après suicide. Paris, Maloine 2004

- Hanus M, Sourkes BM. Les enfants en deuil. Portraits du chagrin. Paris, Frison-Roche 1997
- Hawton K, Sutton L, Simkin S, Walker DM, Stacey G, Waters K, Rees S. Evaluation of a resource for people bereaved by suicide. Crisis 2012; 33(5): 254-264  PMID: 22713973
- Hepp U, Wittmann L, Schnyder U, Michel K. Psychological and psychosocial interventions  after attempted suicide: an overview of treatment studies. Crisis 2004; 25 (3): 108-117
- Hoffmann WA. Telematic technologies in mental health caring: a web-based psychoeducational program for adolescent suicide survivors. Issues Ment Health Nurs. 2006 Jun;27(5):461-74.
- INSERM consulté le 08.08.2011.
- Jordan JR, McMenamy J. Interventions for suicid survivors: a review of literature. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behav 2004; 34 (4): 337-349
- Leenaars AA et al. Current issues in dealing with suicide prevention in schools: Perspectives from some countries. J Edu Psychol Consult 2001; 12 (4): 365-384
- Lester D. Denial in suicide survivors. Crisis 2004; 25 (2): 78-79
- Krysinska K, Andriessen K. On-Line Support and Resources for People Bereaved through Suicide: What Is Available? Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 2010; 40(6): 640-650
- McDaid C, Trowman R, Golder S, Hawton K, Sowden A. Interventions for people bereaved through suicide: systematic review. Br J Psychiatry 2008; 193(6): 438-443
- McMenamy JM, Jordon JJ, Mitchell AM. What do suicide survivors tell us they need? Results of a pilot study. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 2008; 38: 375-389
- Mercy JA, Kresnow M, O’Carroll P, Lee RK, Powell K, Potter LB, Swann AC, Frankowski RF, Bayer TL. Is suicide contagious? A study of the relation between   exposure to the suicidal behavior of others and nearly lethal suicide attempts. Am J   Epidemiol 2001; 154 (2): 120-127
- Mitchell AM, Wesner S, Brownson L, Gale DD, Garand L, Havill A. Effective communication with bereaved child survivors of suicide.J Child Adolesc Psychiatr Nurs. 2006 Aug;19(3):130-6.
- OMS (WHO) et IASP. Preventing suicide: how to start a survivor group. Genve, WHO (OMS) 2008 (ISBN 978 92 4 1597067). Fascicule disponible en pdf. Consulté le 08.08.2011.
 - Peterson EM, Luoma JB, Dunne E. Suicide survivors’ perceptions of the treating clinician. Suicide & Life-threatening Behavior 2002; 32 (2): 158-166
- Recupero PR, Harms SE, Noble JM. Googling suicide: Surfing for suicide information on the internet. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2008; 69: 878–888
- Rubey CT, McIntosh JL. Perceptions of social support by suicide survivors and their social networks. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 1996; 26: 351-358
- Simon TR, Swann AC, Powell KE, Porter LB, Kresnow M-J, O'Carroll PW. Charasteristics of impulsive suicide attempts and attempters. Suicide Life-Threat Behav 2001; 32 (suppl): 49-59
- Van Ballegooijen W, Van Spijker BA, Kerkhof AJ, A.J.F.M. De kwaliteit van online suicide preventie in Nederland en Vlaanderen in 2007 [The quality of online suicide prevention in the Netherlands and in Flanders in 2007]. Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie 2009; 51: 117–122
- Williams C, Davidson J, Montgomery I. Impulsive suicidal behavior. J Clin Psychol 1980; 36: 90-94
- Wong PWC, Chan WSC, Beh PSL. What can we do to help and understand survivors of suicide in Hong Kong? Crisis 2007; 28(4); 183-189
- Wroblewski A. The suicide survivors grief group. Omega 1985; 15: 173-183

Une abondante bibliographie a été publiée en 2005 dans l'enquête australienne :
- Wilson A, Clark S. South Australia suicide postvention project Consulté le 08.08.2011.

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