Human small bowel:
propulsion better analyzed
by pH-graphy
than by manometry

In human small bowel, the propulsion
was better demonstrated
by pH-graphy than by manometry

Revision: 07.09.2011


In six controls and three pernicious anemia patients, the cineradiometry showed that pH-graphy analyzed the propulsion within human small bowel and the rhythm of pyloric openings better than manometry. The short sequencies of waves on pressure tracings were frequently independent of propulsion and openings.

- Besançon F, Hébert F, Chérigié E, Debray C:
La propulsion dans l’intestin grêle humain, analysée par pHgraphie et cinéradiométrie.
Sem Hôp 1962; 38: 1585-1589
- Besançon F, Emerit J, Hébert F, Chérigié E, Debray C:
Le rythme de l’intestin grêle humain : analyse électromanographique et cinéradiométrique.
Sem Hôp 1962; 38: 1577-1584

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