
after suicides: evaluating

postvention actions


After suicides, how to evaluate the efficiency
of survivors selfhelp support groups
or of school postvention

Revision: 06.08.2012

Updated in French and automatically translated



Postvention aims at alleviating the aftereffects of trauma, especially in the survivors after a suicide (Shneidman 1968, quoted by Callahan 2000).
The curative or preventive efficiency of postventive actions was not yet demonstrated in support groups of bereaved people nor in colleges and high schools.

The objectives of this Page are
the broadcasting of new procedures through the Internet
and discussing the failure of the previous attempts.


1, Evaluating the efficiency of survivors self-help support groups

As randomisation is not at hand, the following 22 questions ask what is felt to have changed, for instance one year after applying for a group and attending at least eight meetings.

The questions may be copied-pasted from this Page.
The interviewed will trace ++, + or nothing after each question.

How did you experience your evolution during the past months ?

• I can talk about it.
• I am less afraid of future.
• I am less ruminating the shock.
• I am less asking myself why.

• I am less afraid the blame is mine.
• I feel less depressed.
• I have agreed to consult a professional.
• I persevered taking the anti depressant medications, if prescribed.
• I am less tempted by alcohol, drugs, tranquillizers.
• I am no more planning to take my life.
• At home, there are no more firearms, drugs or material usable to kill oneself.

• I have changed my mind about what is important to me.
• I have learned to deal better with my problems.
• The meaning of life became clearer to me.
• Deep inside of me, I have grown up.

• I am less holding aloof.
• I am living more trustingly.
• Our couple escaped breaking off.
• I got rid of sick feeling when having happy times.
• I endeavour to make life pleasant around me.
• I am more caring and nice to others.
• I can help other bereaved persons.

Among the above mentioned evolutions, underline those for which
the most efficient help issued from your survivors group.

2, Evaluating the efficiency of postvention in schools

Randomising for postvention colleges and high schools stricken with suicides is possible, then interviewing the pupils one year after the suicides and eventually showing more depressions being diagnosed and well treated in pupils and in their families.

Most of the 22 questions are available. Specific other ones may be added:

• Were the pupils at risk identified?
• Were the pupils warned about what is found on suicide through the Internet?
• Were the journalists appropriately warned?
• For the pupils: due to the postvention, did your cohesion improve:
- a reduced interpersonal aggressiveness;
- being more able to discuss important topics;
- did a collective project start as a consequence of this suicide ?
• Were focus groups organised for other classes of the school?
• How did the personnel and pupils react to the question: In this school, is life pleasant?
• What answers to the 22 questions from the parents and siblings of the deceased, one year   after the suicide?



1, Survivor groups

The self-help survivors groups were acknowledged as efficient by those who attended for over 15 years in Northern America and they are encouraged by scientific associations.
A more systematic evaluation is needed, but would not reply to the main objection of some professionals in the absence of whom these groups are meeting.

This objection is the risk of a member taking his life.
This risk is the more when the suicide is recent, when the survivor is a young one and when he was affectively close to the deceased (Mercy 2001).
See the Page Is suicide contagious?
However, even if randomisation were possible, evaluation would not be at hand, if one remembers that, in order to demonstrate a 15% decrease of suicides in previous attempters, 45,000 attempters should be followed during eight years, or 142,000 ones during one year (Gunnell 1994).
Thus, group leaders admit the suicidal risk but regard it as exceptional.

Regarding other criteria than suicides or attempts, questionnaires were built for evaluating post-traumatic distress or bereavement: the GEQ used by Callahan 200 and the HGRC built by Nancy Hogan 2001.
The post-traumatic distress (Freud 1917, Farberow 1967) is the priority after suicide (Sheskin 1976, Farberow 1987). The efficiency of debriefing was admitted by Joseph 1993, Kenardy 1996 and questioned by Deahl 1994, Raphael 1995. These evaluations focused exceedingly on psychiatric disturbances.

Even if the questionnaires related to trauma or bereavement (reviewed by Neimeyer and Hogan 2001) met the psychometric requirements,
their use for evaluating therapies seems questionable.

The medical concepts of constancy, specificity
and of the unequal value of symptoms for evaluating therapies are unknown to theses questionnaires.
Their items have an equal weight, are so numerous and are aggregated in such a way that the useful differences have few chances of significantly emerging.

At present time, demonstrating an efficiency is more needed than explaining a mechanism. Thus, the feeling of a failure of postvention expressed by Callahan 2000 may be temporary until new tools are used.

2, Schools

In schools, some negative results of postvention (Hazell 1993) were questioned by Leenaars 1999. After a technical improvement, some negative issues turned to positive ones (Callahan 1996).
Encouraging facts were published by Poijula 2001, but a definite demonstration is still lacking (Goldney 1996, Leenaars 1999).

Leenaars stressed that postvention awaits a clearer definition and should continue during several months.

3, Contribution of my questions

The evaluation of survivors self-help support groups after randomising is not possible in France, where the suicidal cause of deceases is kept secret

The test-retest reproducibility of my questions has not been checked.
There is no need aggregating them.

Most of the 22 questions were drawn from Nancy Hogan's HGRC questionnaire : not built from the preconceived ideas of the author, but from the spontaneous words of the bereaved people. I added some questions related to post-traumatic distress and suicide.

Several items refer to important sufferings or risks.
If only few of them were frequently witnessed and mainly attributed to support groups, it would be enough:
not enough for admitting that efficiency was proved (in the absence of randomisation),
but enough, practically, to promote the self-help survivor support groups.

Randomising is possible in school postvention, if the principals understand it is ethical and organise prospective controlled studies.


Using the separate items of a new retrospective questionnaire, the efficiency of postvention might be evaluated: among non randomised support groups and among randomised schools.



- Besançon F: Evaluating postventive actions after suicides. Communication par affiche au   XXII World Congress of the International Association for Suicide prevention (IASP),   Stockholm, 10-14 septembre 2003. Stockholm Convention Bureau édit. p. P 2 : 3

- Callahan J. Predictors and correlates of bereavement in suicide support group participants. Suicide Life-Threatening Behav 2000; 30 (2): 104-124
- Deahl M, Gillham A, Thomas J, Searle M, Srinivasam M. Psychological sequelae following the Gulf war: factors associated with subsequent morbidity and the effectiveness of   psychological debriefing. Brit J Psychiatry 1994; 165: 60-65
- Dunne E, McInosh J, Dunne-Maxim K: Suicide and its aftermath: understanding and counselling the survivors. New York, Norton 1987
- Farberow NL. Crisis, disaster and suicide: theory and therapy. In Shneidman E: Essays in self-destruction. New York, Science House 1967
- Farberow NL, Gallagher DE, Gilewski MJ, Thompson LW. An examination of the early impact of bereavement on psychological distress in survivors of suicide. The Gerontologist 1987; 27: 592-598
- Freud S (1917). Introductory lectures in psychoanalysis. In Strachery J: The standard edition of the couple psychological work of S. Freud. Volume XVI London, Hogartt press
- Gunnell D, Frankel F. Prevention of suicide: aspirations and evidence. Brit Med J 1994; 308   (6938):1227-1233
- Hogan N, Greenfield DB, Schmidt LA. Development and validation of the Hogan Grief Reaction Checklist. Death Stud 2001; 25: 1-32
- Joseph S, Yule W, Williams R, Andrews B. Crisis support in the aftermath of disaster: a longitudinal perspective. Br J Clin Psychol 1993; 32 (Pt 2): 177-185
- Leenaars AA, Wenckstern S: Suicide prevention in schools: the art, the issues and the pitfalls. Crisis 1999; 20 (3): 132-142
- Kenardy JA, Webster RA, Lewin TJ, CARR VJ, Hazell PL, Carter GL. Stress debriofing and patterns of recovery following a natural disaster. J Trauma Stress 1996; 9 (1): 37-49
- Neimeyer RA, Hogan NS: Quantitative or qualitative? Measurement issues in the study of grief. In Stroebe M, Hansson R, Stroebe W, Schut H (Eds). Handbook of bereavement research. Coping, care and intervention (pp. 89-118). Washington, Am Psychol Ass Press 2001
- Raphael B, Meldrum L, McFarlane AC. Does debriefing after psychological trauma work? Time for randomised controlled trials. Brit Med J 1995; 310 (6993): 1479-1480
- Sheskin A, Wallace SE. Differing bereavements: suicide, natural and accidental death. Omega 1976; 7: 229-242


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